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NJC launches our new Values

29 July 2022

we’ve been on an exciting journey to redefine our values.

Since we began in 1984, we have always been governed by a clear set of principles. Firstly our customer, whether this is a client or a colleague, we’ve always needed to understand their needs, and work collaboratively to meet them. We’ve always worked with transparency, using our open approach to build trust and strengthen relationships with everyone in our community. We’ve always conducted ourselves in a respectable manner, creating a culture where everybody can shine. Through this we have strive for excellence, looking at continual improvement and innovation to be ahead of the game.


Through a series of workshops, connecting people together from across the business, we have redefined what we mean when we talk about the NJC DNA. The DNA is what unites us together, creating a sense of common purpose.

The project saw reflective discussions on what we stand for, and what we would challenge. We looked at how we could express this, in a definitive way, with words that were bold and accessible, but have the depth to do this justice. Not an easy feat!

Customer – customers, colleagues, communities. We build a positive relationship with our customers and colleagues, providing a great experience.

Open honesty, transparency, integrity. We have an honest, transparent and trustworthy approach in everything we do.

Respect – belonging, inclusive. We treat everyone as individuals, celebrating their differences and valuing their contribution.

Excellence – innovative, courage, pride. We take pride in the quality of what we do, going the extra mile for our customers and colleagues.

Need help?

Our team are here to help with any questions, and to show where NJC can add real value to your company and customer experience. So why not get in touch via chat, our online form or call us on 0345 395 1000 and one of our sales team will be happy to assist.