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NJC running on greener energy

17 July 2023

NJC has started their journey towards an emissions free fleet as we implemented electric vans into the business, this move introduced a reduction of 35.37 tonnes of carbon emissions annually. NJC is committed to an entire emissions-free fleet, however this is currently subjective to procurement issues currently in the market.

Moving to an electric fleet was not without challenges, should anyone require support or guidance please feel free to get in touch with our team and we can provide shared learnings.

Please read our  carbon metric report for more details:

NJC is committed to an entire emissions-free fleet

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Our team are here to help with any questions, and to show where NJC can add real value to your company and customer experience. So why not get in touch via chat, our online form or call us on 0345 395 1000 and one of our sales team will be happy to assist.