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supporting our colleagues

15 May 2020

NJC takes the health and wellbeing of all colleagues, customers and stakeholders very seriously.

Employees are at the heart of the NJC DNA and a happy, healthy workforce is crucial to our business. During the COVID-19 crisis we understand the difficulties our colleagues may be facing, and we encourage them to use our Employee Assistance Programme, which provides 24 hours a day free professional counselling for any concerns. Companies must acknowledge the effect COVID-19 has had on the nation and it is essential to take measures to support and engage with staff to aid wellbeing and to guard against potential mental health problems.

The COVID-19 outbreak has forced us to adapt to a different way of life. Whilst changing our lifestyles we are also coping with health, global and financial fears, leaving people uncertain and possibly afraid. As we face these new challenges, it is evident that because we are all different we will all cope with the outbreak and its consequences in different ways.

Companies are facing unprecedented times and history is currently being re-written with no existing events to refer to for guidance. Whilst they deal with these unusual circumstances, they will begin to uncover strengths and weaknesses within their organisations.

Whilst communication has always been a fundamental core value shared within NJC, the outbreak has shown how imperative it is to help make people feel secure, connected, informed and valued. This is particularly the case for colleagues who have been furloughed or who are working from home. Feeling connected also plays an important part in maintaining our wellbeing.

Many individuals may be suffering from mental health problems due to the consequences of COVID-19, or the outbreak may have exacerbated existing problems. Employers need to be aware of this and provide support and engagement for their teams.

With this in mind, NJC has been improving existing systems, processes and procedures to close any gaps within our organisation and improve our wider communications. Our improvements will make us resilient to dealing with any communication challenges in the future and allow us to have direct contact to all NJC employees within seconds, taking away the tribulations of letters and emails to individuals. We are paving the way to allow discussions, tutorials and forums to connect our organisation even further, whilst also modernising our existing training methods.

To support Mental Health Awareness week, we have attached our mental health newsletter which explores the effects of COVID-19 on mental health. We hope it will support our employees even further, as well as helping our customers and wider community.

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Our team are here to help with any questions, and to show where NJC can add real value to your company and customer experience. So why not get in touch via chat, our online form or call us on 0345 395 1000 and one of our sales team will be happy to assist.