For NJC, embarking upon the Living Wage in 2014 was a natural extension of our family heritage and our values. Our company is Not Just Cleaning and our employees are Not Just Cleaners, and because our employees protect the image of leading organisations in the UK they deserve to be paid a fair and appropriate wage.
During 2020, our cleaners have never been more important, helping to keep us and our customers safe from Covid-19. Many of our colleagues have worked throughout the pandemic, diligently carrying out enhanced cleaning regimes and providing specialist coronavirus cleaning and disinfection as required. Their relentless attention to detail and willingness to go ‘extra mile’ through demonstrating the NJC DNA, have helped our customers’ employees feel more confident about returning to their workplaces.
We have always recognised the criticality of our colleagues and it is only right that sustainable employment should be demonstrably at the heart of our service. In addition, we are convinced that there is considerable evidence that in return for fair pay, employees reward their employer with increased loyalty and increased engagement.
NJC is a Recognised Service Provider working with the Living Wage Foundation and promotes the real Living Wage, based on the real cost of living. We submit a Living Wage bid alongside every market rate submittal to all our prospective and current clients, so they always have the choice to implement the Living Wage at the point of tender. We believe the clear business benefits of the real Living Wage are:
NJC’s highly motivated, highly productive, engaged front line colleagues deserve to be thanked and celebrated!
Our team are here to help with any questions, and to show where NJC can add real value to your company and customer experience. So why not get in touch via chat, our online form or call us on 0345 395 1000 and one of our sales team will be happy to assist.